Tuesday, June 1, 2010

主廚教你做 - 蛋包飯

Thursday, March 4, 2010

型男大主廚 : 曾國城 夏雨喬

《型男大主廚》是台灣三立都會台的一個烹飪競賽節目,由曾國城和陳喬恩主持(2007年12月起,改由曾國城和夏於喬主持),並且由著名廚師鄭衍基(綽號阿基師)和鄭堅克(綽號詹姆士)坐鎮 (2008年7月29起,Maggie老師加入主廚行列)。節目的口號是「型男大主廚,天天都幸福!」。
型男大主廚 楊丞琳 胡宇崴15-01-2010
型男大主廚 07-01-2010
型男大主廚 29-12-2009
型男大主廚 18-12-2009
型男大主廚 04-12-2009
型男大主廚 20-11-2009
型男大主廚 19-11-2009
型男大主廚 18-11-2009
型男大主廚 13-11-2009
型男大主廚 12-11-2009
型男大主廚 10-11-2009
型男大主廚 09-11-2009
型男大主廚 06-11-2009
型男大主廚 05-11-2009
型男大主廚 04-11-2009
型男大主廚 03-11-2009
型男大主廚 02-11-2009

型男大主廚 27-10-2009
型男大主廚 26-10-2009
型男大主廚 23-10-2009
型男大主廚 22-10-2009
型男大主廚 21-10-2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How to Make Pancakes from Scratch

Stephanie Rose
Chef/ Food Stylist, Stephanie Rose Foodstylings
1 1/2 cups of flour
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 3/4 teaspoons of baking powder
3 tablespoons of melted butter
1 cup of milk
2 eggs

1. Mix the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together in one bowl. Mix the butter, eggs and milk together in a separate bowl and then add them to the dry ingredients.

2. Set the griddle to 350 degrees. Pour the batter on and cook until both sides of the pancakes are golden brown.